See what previous course members have had to say...

This course is designed to take absolute beginners from no knowledge at all to intermediate coders in the fastest route possible.

Using these tools and techniques, I went from writing my first line of code, to landing a £170,000 salary with one of the world's largest software companies in just 6 months.

I am now compacting over half a decades worth of learnings into a single lecture series, so you can do it even quicker.

Hi, I’m Jonjo and this is Kobie

I'm a completely self-taught software engineer who studied Economics at University and has never taken a BootCamp. By using the first principles approach to learning, I was able to fast-track my learning and I now share those methods with people.

I still code for a living but my dream is to become a full-time coding teacher. I find it so rewarding to see people who never would have dreamed of writing a line of code publishing their own apps after my courses.

"Jonjo’s mentorship has been brilliant. I am someone who has tried to learn to code for years but always struggled to contextualise and use it in any practical way which always led me to give up. Jonjo provides streamlined practical teaching that fast tracks you to actually create code and see how it’s used in real life. I’ve learnt more in 6 sessions then I did with doing 40 hours worth of online coding courses. I would highly recommend."

- Jay Greenwood